How to Ease Depression With Acupuncture
Acupuncture is a form of alternative medicine that many people turn to as a way to treat their various ailments. It works by putting needles at certain points of the body to regulate a person's life energy. Depression sufferers, in particular, have found their symptoms reduced by acupuncture.
Check with your insurance. Some insurance carriers may actually cover visits to an acupuncturist. Before you seek out this type of treatment, find out if you are eligible for any type of reimbursement.
Find an acupuncturist. Get a referral from your doctor or ask around for recommendations for an acupuncturist. If you can't get any recommendations, look through the phonebook for area acupuncturists.
Go over the procedure with the alternative medicine practitioner. Find out what is involved in acupuncture treatment for depression. Typically, the acupuncturist puts in needles to points on your body that are deemed "depression points."
Devise a plan on how often you should come in for treatment. You may need only a few sessions, but most likely several weeks of sessions will be recommended.
Keep up with your other treatments. Although you may find relief for depression through acupuncture, you should still continue taking any medications that were prescribed for your depression.
Tips & Warnings
Remember to talk to your doctor before seeking out any alternative therapies to treat your depression. For one reason or another, he may advise against acupuncture.
The cost for an acupuncture treatment varies from practitioner to practitioner. Expect to pay around $50 or more.
Acupuncture is a form of alternative medicine that many people turn to as a way to treat their various ailments. It works by putting needles at certain points of the body to regulate a person's life energy. Depression sufferers, in particular, have found their symptoms reduced by acupuncture.
Check with your insurance. Some insurance carriers may actually cover visits to an acupuncturist. Before you seek out this type of treatment, find out if you are eligible for any type of reimbursement.
Find an acupuncturist. Get a referral from your doctor or ask around for recommendations for an acupuncturist. If you can't get any recommendations, look through the phonebook for area acupuncturists.
Go over the procedure with the alternative medicine practitioner. Find out what is involved in acupuncture treatment for depression. Typically, the acupuncturist puts in needles to points on your body that are deemed "depression points."
Devise a plan on how often you should come in for treatment. You may need only a few sessions, but most likely several weeks of sessions will be recommended.
Keep up with your other treatments. Although you may find relief for depression through acupuncture, you should still continue taking any medications that were prescribed for your depression.
Tips & Warnings
Remember to talk to your doctor before seeking out any alternative therapies to treat your depression. For one reason or another, he may advise against acupuncture.
The cost for an acupuncture treatment varies from practitioner to practitioner. Expect to pay around $50 or more.
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