How to Reduce Nausea Through Acupuncture
Acupuncture's origins lie in ancient China. This method of healing seeks to relieve pain and illness by restoring balance to the body's energy flow, accomplished via the insertion of needles at prescribed acupuncture points. This discipline has been used to treat a variety of ailments, including earaches, colds, trigeminal neuralgia, frozen shoulder and pre-menstrual syndrome. It may also be possible to reduce nausea through acupuncture.
Things You'll Need:
Computer with Internet access for contacting acupuncturists in your area
Get the care you need. Find an acupuncturist who is experienced in the treatment of nausea by visiting the Acufinder Web site (see Resources below). Your state may require that acupuncturists be licensed, so be sure to consider credentials when making a decision on whom to hire. The site breaks down these licensing requirements by state.
Talk to your acupuncturist about the importance of the stomach meridian. Applying acupuncture to this point is said to reduce nausea and relieve vomiting. The stomach meridian is located just underneath the knee.
Consider a combination approach. Acupuncture combined with acupressure can help generate quick results in the treatment of nausea. Best of all, acupressure is a therapy that you can easily perform on yourself. If your nausea is chronic, this kind of autonomy can be useful. Discuss treatment options with your therapist.
Follow the treatment plan suggested by your acupuncturist until symptoms dissipate or disappear.
Tips & Warnings
Your acupuncturist may charge rates that vary from moderate to expensive. His or her experience and credentials will play a role in fees charged, as will the city in which he or she is based.
Acupuncture coverage is offered by many insurance plans. It is not, however, offered by Medicare and Medicaid.
Your acupuncturist may prescribe herbs and supplements to support your treatment. These aren't covered by insurance plans; however, they are inexpensive to moderate in price.
If suffering from severe symptoms like extreme shortness of breath, don't attempt to treat your condition with acupuncture. Get help from a doctor.
Acupuncture can have dire consequences if performed by someone who lacks the proper training. Don't attempt self-treatment unless you have the necessary qualifications.
Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.
Acupuncture's origins lie in ancient China. This method of healing seeks to relieve pain and illness by restoring balance to the body's energy flow, accomplished via the insertion of needles at prescribed acupuncture points. This discipline has been used to treat a variety of ailments, including earaches, colds, trigeminal neuralgia, frozen shoulder and pre-menstrual syndrome. It may also be possible to reduce nausea through acupuncture.
Things You'll Need:
Computer with Internet access for contacting acupuncturists in your area
Get the care you need. Find an acupuncturist who is experienced in the treatment of nausea by visiting the Acufinder Web site (see Resources below). Your state may require that acupuncturists be licensed, so be sure to consider credentials when making a decision on whom to hire. The site breaks down these licensing requirements by state.
Talk to your acupuncturist about the importance of the stomach meridian. Applying acupuncture to this point is said to reduce nausea and relieve vomiting. The stomach meridian is located just underneath the knee.
Consider a combination approach. Acupuncture combined with acupressure can help generate quick results in the treatment of nausea. Best of all, acupressure is a therapy that you can easily perform on yourself. If your nausea is chronic, this kind of autonomy can be useful. Discuss treatment options with your therapist.
Follow the treatment plan suggested by your acupuncturist until symptoms dissipate or disappear.
Tips & Warnings
Your acupuncturist may charge rates that vary from moderate to expensive. His or her experience and credentials will play a role in fees charged, as will the city in which he or she is based.
Acupuncture coverage is offered by many insurance plans. It is not, however, offered by Medicare and Medicaid.
Your acupuncturist may prescribe herbs and supplements to support your treatment. These aren't covered by insurance plans; however, they are inexpensive to moderate in price.
If suffering from severe symptoms like extreme shortness of breath, don't attempt to treat your condition with acupuncture. Get help from a doctor.
Acupuncture can have dire consequences if performed by someone who lacks the proper training. Don't attempt self-treatment unless you have the necessary qualifications.
Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.